"Lands of the Free" Sizzle Reel
4-minute sizzle reel for a quirky docu-series about unconventional locations and big characters, packaged as a wacky travelogue.
Roles: Writer, Producer, Video Editor, GFX & Title Design
Client: Invent TV
Jason Graham at Invent TV came to me with the idea to pitch a program about the micro nations phenomenon. Together, we decided a travelogue would be the perfect way to package it, and I set to work on a script for a rip reel. We knew the tone needed to be quirky and offbeat to match many of the characters we would meet, so I immediately thought of Wes Anderson and shamelessly channeled his iconic style. I also thought it would be really fun to imagine such a documentary narrated by Werner Herzog, so I wrote the VO copy in a parody version of his voice. I used a generic AI-generated voice with a German accent and made adjustments to its stability to give it that quintessential Herzog moroseness, creating a VO that is parodically reminiscent of the legendary filmmaker, (whom I respect very much!)