Scene From Netflix's "Battlefish"

A sample of one of the scenes I helped cut for the Netflix Original, “Battlefish.”

Role: Video Editor

Clients: Netflix, Pilgrim Studios

Working on the first season of a series is always a wild ride. By later seasons, the show has already found its voice and format. Editing becomes a little more “plug and play.” Not so in a show’s first season, where we’re collectively trying to develop those things from scratch. I find that very exciting, if not completely painless. Showrunner, Mike Nichols, better known as one of the creators of “Wicked Tuna,” wanted to make sure “Battlefish” felt distinct rather than a carbon copy of his other work, and I think we accomplished that. What I saw within the footage were very human stories with real emotion and real stakes, and it was hard not to care about these men and women who spent weeks at a time at sea in search of a livelihood. I feel their desperation when the sea is against them and share their excitement when the catch is good. What I love most about this scene is the childlike joy many of them expressed when taking a moment to appreciate one of nature’s wonders.


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